E3 Transformation Services


Science Hall Elementary Success Story

How one school improved from a state accountability rating of "F" to a "B" campus in one year


Science Hall Elementary opened in the Fall of 2006 in the rapidly growing community of Kyle, Texas, a suburb of Austin. One of 14 elementary schools in Hays CISD, Science Hall is a dual-language campus and serves approximately 563 students.


Designated an Improvement Required campus in 2016-17 by the Texas Education Agency, administrators faced challenges that included a first-year principal and a large population English Learners (EL) students.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes Leaders envisioned improving the execution of effective instruction and implementing systems to enhance outcomes for their English Learners and ALL students. It was critical for the leaders to create an actionable, detailed plan to lead change for their campus while also creating an environment where students and staff flourished.

Implementation Timeline and Support


In the discovery phase, leaders engaged with E3 in a collaborative data analysis, and needs’ assessment that focused on four key areas: Instructional Leadership, Teacher Effectiveness, Community Engagement, and School Climate.

The team focused first on Teacher Effectiveness and used this analysis to design professional development content and a Campus Instructional Playbook. Campus leaders were introduced to protocols and processes for analyzing and leveraging data, development of systems for monitoring instructional lesson planning, and action planning that integrated with systemic accountability measures.

Campus leaders participated in professional development, focusing on campus systems, evaluation of leadership and instructional practices, and strategies for leading change.


During the transformation phase, E3 continued to provide professional development to the leadership team.

School leaders created a supportive and purposeful learning environment across every classroom. Campus systems were created and monitored to support student and teacher success in and out of the classroom.


In the sustainability phase, Science Hall’s principal moved to a high school principal position and the assistant principal was promoted to principal.

The new principal sustained established systems while expanding the transformation of Science Hall.

In the summer of 2020, E3 continued to guide campus leaders through an evaluation of systems and planning to strengthen and sustain practices, including planning for the upcoming year and ensuring sustainability through building capacity for leadership with a campus-based team.

Campus leaders created action plans to continue the campus improvement for a successful start of the 2020-21 school year.

Positive Impact

Through collaborative work with E3, the leadership team created and refined their Campus Instructional Playbook that served as the foundation for every action item taken. At the beginning of each school year, teachers and staff received professional development on instructional strategies and committed to “achieving their personal best by striving to be lifelong learners in their school and community.”

E3 guided the team through careful alignment of district and campus initiatives to ensure the highest impact on all students.

Throughout each year, the team ensured instruction was reflective of their mission and vision. Science Hall students, teachers, and the community are committed to “rising to the challenge… every day, every way!”

They created an environment centered on student academic needs and achieved positive educational outcomes for all students.The transformational experience empowered both students and staff alike.

Why E3 Alliance?

E3 Alliance is a mission-driven organization focused on transforming education systems through data and collaboration so all students succeed. E3 works with school districts and campus leadership to implement sustainable, positive student outcomes through proprietary and proven, data-backed frameworks and systems.

Partnership Formed

E3 Alliance’s ongoing partnership with Science Hall began in the 2017-18 school year with a focus on systemic, whole-school transformation. They implemented solutions focused on leadership, instruction, school culture, and special populations.


By creating systems of support for all students and implementing best practices, Science Hall met and exceeded the needs of its diverse student population.

Specifically, Science Hall Elementary:

  • Progressed from “F” rating to a “B” rating in the state accountability system
  • Exceeded accountability targets Received Top 25% in Comparative Academic Growth distinction from Texas Education Agency
  • Increased student performance in every area of accountability

“E3 has really helped me put our system and practices in place on a daily basis and systematically across the campus, specifically by implementing the Instructional Playbook.”

—Karen Zuniga

Former Principal, Science Hall Elementary, Hays CISD